In-Plant Printing and the New Normal of Retail

Posted on December 18, 2020

In-Plant Printing and the New Normal of Retail


Retailers and brands around the globe are preparing for what retail operations will look like as we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Supply chains globally have been disrupted, inventory management is more complex than ever and being omnichannel prepared is a necessity. Traditional centralized production of all tags and labels alone will not be enough for retailers to compete in this new ‘normal’ retail environment.

In-Plant Printing provides retailers with the flexibility to print critical trim items at the point of manufacturing, in distribution centers or in stores quickly. Industry leaders are using In-Plant Printing to help manage their emergence from COVID-19 and the disruptions to their supply chains. Some of the key benefits of this approach to production are:

Reduce the impact of supply chain re-mapping: As brands and retailers rethink their global manufacturing strategies, providing factories with the ability to produce trim items at the point of manufacturing reduces the risk of late garments and avoids increased freight costs.

Inventory flexibility: Store closures and supply chain disruptions are increasing the challenges of managing production and inventory levels. Producing price tickets and stickers at the point of manufacturing or in distribution centers provides greater flexibility for price adjustments and demand planning.

Omnichannel readiness: E-commerce business has increased dramatically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and managing the distribution of garments and footwear through multiple channels is complex.

In-Plant Printing can provide flexibility for DC’s and stores to rapidly re-ticket items and ensure they are omnichannel ready.

Our team at Nexgen Packaging works closely with our customers to develop a print strategy that balances service bureau printing (centralized) with In-Plant Printing (local). Managing this balance includes taking into consideration global supply chain strategies, vendor/factory relationships and distribution requirements. There is also a focus on sustainability as the impact of freight can greatly impact carbon footprint for a brand/retailer.

The Nexgen software platform was designed to ensure global consistency across all printing strategies. Our team of data experts can work with your team to develop a customized In-Plant Printing strategy with little IT support needed from your team or at the factory level. Ask your Nexgen sales representative for more information about our In-Plant Printing solutions or send an e-mail to [email protected]